The Bible Exhibition


The Bible Exhibition is coming to Cranbourne West!

Your invited to visit The Bible Exhibition, which will run from 27 Nov- 4 Dec, DV at 175 Cranbourne West.  The Bible Exhibition is a rare and unique opportunity to explore the history, wonders and message of the world’s best-selling and most widely distributed book of all time, the Bible.

Visitors will have opportunity to view replica and genuine artefacts, such as ancient Bibles, Roman coins, Roman scourge and much more. Take a photograph alongside a Roman legionnaire and try on a ‘coat of many colours’ (children). Be encouraged to extend its learning, empathy and historical knowledge at this unique educational opportunity.

Entrance to the exhibition is FREE. It will be open to schools, churches and the general public Mon – Sat 11am-5pm and Sundays 1-5pm. For youth groups and clubs, we suggest that you book a guided tour in order to gain maximum benefit from your visit:

This educational exhibition is suitable for both children and adults. Different tours have been designed to suit different age groups. For large groups, early bookings are strongly recommended. Tours will last approximately 60-90 mins. Activity sheets and a teacher/youth leader’s guide will be available at the exhibition for those who wish to visit and explore the exhibition independently. 

The main purpose of our exhibition to the general public is evangelical. However, the exhibition is also designed to be educational, factual, informative and closely related to Biblical content. We aim to promote the authenticity, validity and importance of the Bible as God’s inspired word and message. 

Find out about:

  • The Bible and Australia
  • The History of the Bible
  • The God of the Bible
  • The Wonders of the Bible
  • The Gospel of the Bible
  • The Uniqueness of the Bible message
  • Prophecy in the Bible
  • The Challenge in the Bible

Interactive Experiences:

  • Hold a coin from the first century
  • Try on coat of many colours
  • Hold a bag of thirty pieces of silver
  • Feel a roman scourge
  • Smell frankincense and myrrh
  • Touch a crown of thorns
  • Hold a sling
  • View ancient manuscript

Visitors will benefit from this unique opportunity to extend their historical and Biblical knowledge. The Bible exhibition is open for a limited period.  Bookings for large groups and guided tours are essential. We look forward to welcoming you and your congregation to the Exhibition.

Kind regards, 
Bryan & Dawn Stewart.

The Bible Exhibition 

Location. The Marquee, 175 Evans Rd.

Who are the organisers and sponsors of the Bible Exhibition? 

We know that you have a serious burden to take the care of the ‘flock’ under your care, and will want to know a little more about us. Please feel free to contact us should you require more information than what we have posted here. 

So, let us introduce ourselves – Bryan and Dawn Stewart. We are Christians who gather unto the name of the Lord Jesus in local testimony at Devon Park, Adelaide  at Devon Park Christian Assembly. The assembly there is an independent church of the Lord’s people who seek to simply follow the pattern of scriptural church gathering without any denominational affiliation.

We are in your area at the invitation of a local believer Atef Samuel on who has provided the site location and in fellowship with the Assembly he is part of, who meet at Dandenong Gospel Hall.

We, Bryan and Dawn, serve the Lord full time in evangelical work, travelling throughout Australia with our Gospel work but we are based in SA, and our current focus is the Fleurieu Peninsula, where we live. We carry out our evangelical activity in fellowship with the church at Devon Park, and other likeminded believers throughout Australia. However, our ministry is not affiliated to or sponsored by any individual church/assembly or organisation. We are the sole organisers and sponsors of the Bible Exhibition. We seek to enjoy the fellowship of like-minded believers when we go into new areas with the Gospel. We often work together with Clive and Rachel Barber who also serve the Lord full time in evangelical work. Bryan worked in marketing and Dawn was a teacher until they left employment to serve the Lord full time in 2014.  

ALL that we do is FREE and freely available to ALL. THESE EVENTS ARE NON-DENOMINATIONAL.

For further information on what we believe please visit our two websites – and

Our doctrinal stance on salvation would be in common with evangelical believers ie

  • Sola Scriptura – Scripture alone – The Bible is our only authority.
  • Sola Fide – Faith alone – We are saved through faith alone in the Lord Jesus Christ
  • Sola Gratia – Grace alone – We are saved by grace alone (no works or merit of ours)
  • Sola Christus – Christ alone – Jesus Christ is the only Saviour and Lord
  • Soli Deo Gloria – To the Glory of God alone – mankind cannot boast, for salvation is not of ourselves but God alone. The one who suffered for our sin – alone on the cross – shall bear the glory alone. Amen!

We categorically refute all teaching that denies the deity of the Lord Jesus Christ

or advocates additional revelation to the Word of God.

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