The Saviour

The Saviour

Measureless distance the Saviour came, To rescue men from sin and shame. From dateless ages, He lived above, Yet came to earth to show His love. Highly honoured in scenes on high, Despised, rejected below the sky, His perfect, fragrant, sinless life, Brought peace and joy to those in strife. His Father’s will He must perform, Though He must suffer pain and scorn, He had to bear the cross alone,…Keep Reading

Three Crosses

Three Crosses

Three crosses on a lonely hill, A thief on either side. And in between, the SON OF GOD, How wide the gulf – how wide!   Yet one thief spanned it with the words, “O Lord, remember me:” The other scoffed and turned aside To a lost eternity   Forsaken is that hillside now, And all the crosses gone. Bun in believing hearts of men – The centre cross lives…Keep Reading