Sowing the Seed

Sowing the Seed

It is said of Columbus that he carried the seed of flowers and scattered them around wherever his vessel anchored. This simple act of the explorer may have seemed insignificant to his associates but it left for Columbus a perpetual monument of the beautiful flowers of Spain, blooming hundreds of years after his death in distant lands. Seed has the capacity to reproduce itself and multiply from year to year…Keep Reading



“Let your conduct be without covetousness; be content with such things as you have. For He Himself has said, ‘I will never leave you nor forsake you.’” Hebrews 13:5 NKJV The secret of contentment is not in shifting circumstances. It is in Him, for He changes not. It is in the persuasion begotten by God’s unfailing Word and proved by experiences of how He has stepped in and met our need,…Keep Reading



The story is told of a young curate in the church of England who was greatly helped in his understanding of the Scriptures by frequent conversations with an uneducated cobbler, who was, nonetheless, well acquainted with the Word of God. On one occasion when a friend of his, a young theologian, was visiting him, he mentioned this remarkable knowledge of the Bible which the cobbler possessed. The young theologue, in…Keep Reading